3.11.27. TLS_CertificateVerifyFailedHook Previous topic Parent topic Child topic Next topic

This optional parameter specifies a Perl function that will be called if verifying the peer certificate fails. It is passed the certificate (if present), and various other details.
The peer certificate $cert is not always present. An example of such case is a policy OID mismatch .
This parameter is currently available only for servers such as ServerRADSEC.
TLS_CertificateVerifyFailedHook is passed the following arguments:
  • $_[0]: $verify_error
    This is the OpenSSL store context verification code.
  • $_[1]: $x509_store_ctx
    This is the OpenSSSL store context.
  • $_[2]: $cert
    This is the current certificate. May be undefined.
  • $_[3]: $subject_name
    This is the certificate's subject name. Undefined when $cert is undefined.
  • $_[4]: $subject
    This is the certificate subject. Undefined when $cert is undefined.
  • $_[5]: $object
    This is the Stream object created for this connection.
TLS_CertificateVerifyFailedHook must return a single value. This value is used as an OpenSSL error code to set the verify result code as follows:
  • > 0: Non-zero error code
    This is a new verification result code.
  • 0
    This changes verification failure to verification success.
  • < 0
    The verification process is immediately stopped with "verification failed" state.
  • Undefined
    This is handled as an OpenSSL error X509_V_ERR_APPLICATION_VERIFICATION.
Here are examples of using TLS_CertificateVerifyFailedHook.
    # Accept all certificates
    # TLS_CertificateVerifyFailedHook sub { return 0; }

    # Allow expired certificates: 10 is X509_V_ERR_CERT_HAS_EXPIRED
    TLS_CertificateVerifyFailedHook sub { \
        if ($_[0] == 10) { return 0; } else { return $_[0]; } }

This parameter may cause security issues if not used properly. Use it only in special cases.