19.9. Sybase Previous topic Parent topic Child topic Next topic

In DBSource, driver name is “Sybase”, and the options can be empty. DBUsername is the Sybase user name, and DBAuth is the password for the Sybase user.
To create a new database, see goodies/sqlserver-sybaseCreate.sql for more information.
Configure your SQL clause like this:
DBSource    dbi:Sybase:
DBUsername  user
DBAuth      password
DBSource can also contain other hints and directives for connecting to the Sybase server, for example:
DBSource dbi:Sybase:server=SERVERNAME;database=DBNAME
You may need to set SYBASE environment variable so that the Sybase libraries can find their interfaces library. Otherwise you may need to use directives. You may also need to set LD_LIBRARY_PATH, or similar, to $SYBASE/lib.