3.51.1. BindString Previous topic Parent topic Child topic Next topic

BindString is the string that defines what ADSI object will be bound in order to get user details. You can bind to any Active Directory provider supported on your Radiator host, but WinNT or LDAP will be the usual choices. BindString must specify which provider to use and how to match the user. Use %0 to specify the user name to match.
WinNT means to use an NT 4.0 primary or backup domain controller, e.g. WinNT:MyDomain/%0,User means to match Users in the Windows NT domain called MyDomain. If the domain is omitted, the “best” domain controller in the default domain will be used.
Other acceptable variants are:
  • BindString WinNT://%0,User
  • BindString WinNT://domain/%0,User
  • BindString WinNT://domain/controller/%0,User
LDAP means to use an LDAP server, including Microsoft Exchange and Windows 2000 Active Directory e.g. LDAP://ldapsvr/cn=%n,cn=Users,dc=yourdomain, dc=com means to match a user with the given common name (cn), in the AD domain yourdomain.com. If ldapsvr is omitted, the default AD server will be used.
Other acceptable variants are:
  • BindString LDAP://cn=%0.......
  • BindString LDAP://controller/cn=%0.......
  • BindString LDAP://msexchangeserver.bigco.com/cn=%0.......
  • BindString LDAP://msexchangeserver:390/cn=%0.......
NDS means use Novell Directory Services. e.g. NDS://MarsTree/O=MARS/OU=MARTIANS/CN=%0
The default is WinNT://%0,User which means a user with the given user name in the default domain
# Get users from the OSC domain in NT
BindString WinNT://OSC/%0,User
# Get user details from the Users folder in Active Directory
# for the AD domain open.com.au
BindString LDAP://cn=%0,cn=Users,dc=open,dc=com,dc=au