3.14.32. VsaTranslateIn Previous topic Parent topic Child topic Next topic

Attributes in incoming and outgoing RADIUS messages can be translated to and from internal presentations. For example, different MAC address formats can be normalised for logging and values for reply attributes can now be set based on the Client or <AuthBy RADIUS> vendor type. The general format for VsaTranslateIn and VsaTranslateOut is:
VsaTranslateIn source_attr, dest_attr[, translation, strip|nostrip, extras]
  • source_attr is the translation source attribute.
  • dest_attr defines the name for the newly translated attribute.
  • translation defaults to copy which does no modification. The available translation depend on the VsaVendor and VsaType configuration parameters.
  • strip or nostrip defaults to nostrip for VsaTranslateIn and strip for VsaTranslateOut.
  • extras depends on the translation, VsaVendor and VsaType.
Full example showing VsaVenedor, VsaType, VsaTranslateIn, VsaTranslateOut, and the related configuration parameters is in goodies/vsa-translate.cfg.
# Translate incoming MAC address to common internal format
# and copy the DNS address in a VSA
    Identifier juniper
    Secret mysecret

    # These control how the translation is done
    VsaVendor Juniper
    VsaType junos

    # macaddr transforms MAC addresses to and from internal presentation
    VsaTranslateIn Unisphere-Pppoe-Description, OSC-Mac-Address, macaddr

    # Convert internal presentation to what this client expects
    VsaTranslateOut OSC-DNS-Address1, Unisphere-Primary-Dns