3.75.2. RedespatchIfNoTarget Previous topic Parent topic Child topic Next topic

For a given request, if Resolver does not find a target and there is no explicit Route, and no Route with Realm DEFAULT and this flag is set, the request will be redespatched to the Handler system for handling. This allows for a flexible fallback in the case where DNSROAM cannot find how to route a request. The redespatched request will have the attribute OSC-Environment-Identifier set to the AuthBy DNSROAM’s Identifier value or DNSROAM if the Identifier is not set.
To create a fallback to multiple target hosts, configure AuthBy DNSROAM without default realm Route and with RedespatchIfNoTarget set. Then create a <Handler ExistsInRequest=OSC-Environment-Identifier> to match the redespatched requests. This Handler can have, for example, AuthBy RADSEC clause with two hosts which are used if DNSROAM cannot route the request.