3.71.23. Asynchronous Previous topic Parent topic Child topic Next topic

The default behaviour for <AuthBy RADSEC> is to return IGNORE as soon as the request has been forwarded to the remote RadSec server. It does not wait for a reply before moving on to other AuthBy classes or handling new requests. You can change this behaviour with the Asynchronous flag.
When you enable the Asynchronous flag, Handler continues to evaluate its AuthBy policy after a reply or timeout from the remote proxy. Other requests are processed while the reply is pending.
For more information about how proxied requests are waited for by <AuthBy RADSEC>, see Section 3.71. <AuthBy RADSEC>.
Here is an example of using Asynchronous:
# Auth to server1 and continue to AuthBy FILE if server 1 accepts.
# Process other requests while the reply from server 1 is pending.
      AuthByPolicy ContinueWhileAccept
      <AuthBy RADSEC>
            # Evaluate the policy when we get a reply or a timeout
            Host server1
            # Other parameters
      <AuthBy FILE>
            Filename %D/users